Rockstar Games Preparing GTAVI Official Release Date, Cover Art Reveal and First Screenshots
Rockstar Games could be gearing up to have Grand Theft Auto VI’s first set of screenshots revealed imminently, along with a formal official release date.
As fans of the franchise eagerly await more details from the upcoming entry, which takes players back to Vice City in the state of Leonida, updates to the game’s official website seem to have rolled out in the background. This of course doesn’t go unnoticed by hungry community members.
Rockstar’s API (known as ‘Application Programming Interface, which is a processing interface to talk between a web server and web browser) has seemingly been updated for the GTA VI page, which indicates that 4 screenshots now exist, albeit some community members claim this is just generic across all Rockstar’s ‘Game’ pages. It’s interesting now though that rather than ‘games’VI’, Rockstar have dropped the ‘games’ and the site now sits on its own independence.
Links for the screenshots, including the cover art seem to have been added, albeit no media is currently available to see.
What makes this interesting though and almost adds some solidity to it is that Take-Two Interactive have their Q4 2024 Earnings Call next Thursday May 14th which will be their last call for this fiscal year. We know GTA VI is planned for a 2025 release, however whether this is Spring or Fall 2025 is unknown, and the likelihood is Take-Two will want a confirmed release date publicised for investors and for fans to start Pre-Ordering the game in preparation for the 2025 fiscal year, one of which T2 have already claimed will be one of the best fiscal years for them.
A lot is on the horizon for Grand Theft Auto VI and hopefully we hear more very soon!