GTAOnline Event Week January 12th – 18th
The Festive Surprise has finally gone in GTAOnline as snow melts away and the Christmas-themed content expires, until the end of this year when it’ll return, of course. This week however brings a new dose of benefits and discounts, including the introduction to the new Gun Van, now available in-game.
HSW: Sandy Shores
An HSW time trial from Sandy Shores to the big city is the American dream; sure, there’s a chance you’ll make it big, but even if you crash and burn you’ll make the front page. Time trial for HSW vehicles.
Time Trial: Calafia Way
Like every post-hipster tourist with a camera phone, take a tour of crushed dreams in the Alamo Sea and think about what filter best captures the sadness. Time trial for the Snapmatic generation.
RC Bandito Time Trial: Construction Site II
Sure, if this is your day job, the unsecured scaffolding and lack of guardrails are hazards. But you’re driving an RC car at high speed. And that males them features…
As part of the Los Santos Drug Wars Update which released at the end of 2022, the second-part of the content is due to be drip-fed across the next several event weeks, including this week which introduces the all-new Gun Van which is now live in GTAOnline.
The Gun Van will spawn at a random location each day and the contents inside will be different each time. We have put the location of today’s gun van below, which is at Palmer-Taylor Power Station (East of Vinewood), but to find it going forward simply just look for the Gun Van icon on your map or use the Interaction Menu to set a waypoint to it.
Also available inside the Gun Van is the highly-awaited Railgun, which costs GTA$525,600. You can upgrade existing weapons or ones which you purchase, buy ammo and armour or simply have a browse. Either way, the Gun Van is a lot cheaper than heading to your local Ammunation stores… just don’t tell the cops.
This week in GTAOnline get:
- 2x GTA$ and RP on new Community Series Missions
- 1.5x GTA$ and RP on First Dose Missions (GTA+ Only)
There is also exclusive rewards to be unlocked in a special Social Club event for completing First Dose missions on the new HARD Mode.
Going to be visiting the Diamond Casino and Resort this week? Don’t forget to spin the lucky wheel and try to win this weeks podium vehicle – Dinka Jester RR (worth nearly GTA$2 Million)
This week the Prize Ride vehicle is the Vapid Caracara 4×4 and can be unlocked by placing Top 3 in a LS Car Meet Series for 5 consecutive days. This vehicle is usually GTA$875,000.
Whilst at the LS Car Meet, check out this week’s Premium Test Ride Vehicle, which is the Grotti Brioso R/A for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S players.
Also on the Test Track vehicles are the; Annis ZR350, Obey 10F and Pfister Comet S2.
Looking to test drive some vehicles and try before you buy? Head to the Luxury Autos Car Dealership and find the Dinka RT3000 and the Truffade Nero.
Simeon’s Premium Deluxe Motorsport Showroom has the following vehicles in; Vapid Dominator ASP, Grotti Furia, Declasse Drift Tampa, Enus Windsor and the Declasse Hotring Sabre.
Throughout this week, take advantage of the following discounts in GTAOnline:
35% off:
- Bunker and renovations
- Vapid Dominator ASP
- Dinka RT3000
- Karin Previon
40% off:
- Sultan RS (GTA$477,000)
Gun Van Discounts:
- 10% off Weapons
- 15% off Throwables
- 20% off Body Armour
If you have GTA+ listen up! Members can pull up to the yearly holiday party in style thanks to the new Have You Seen Me? Sweater, and you will go down in history with the The Red-nosed costume and join the parade of wooden soldiers in The Nutcracker costume gifted unto logging in.